Monday, October 19, 2009

Flat Stanley-Whitman Visits Denmark

GOD MORGAN (Good morning in Danish, pronounced as “Hood Mohrgen”),
We are visiting Copenhagen, which is the capitol of Denmark. Everyone here bicycles (!) and all the streets have bicycle lanes; you can even get free bicycles to ride and return them at the end of the day. The people are very friendly and all of them speak English as well as Danish. This is a small country and everyone is expected to obey the rules-such as no jaywalking and stamping your ticket before you get on the metro (subway)- but no one “checks” to make sure you have a ticket. It is an “honor” system and everyone just follows the rules.
Denmark was the home of the “Vikings” who ruled much of Europe hundreds of years ago, and Copenhagen is surrounded by water. One section of the city has canals, and we went on a boat ride and spent time at Nyhavn (New Harbour). This is where Denmark’s most famous landmark, “The Little Mermaid,” is found. The little statue sits on a rock in the harbor and is based on a story by Denmark’s most famous writer-Hans Christian Andersen. (You may know the story of “The Ugly Duckling,” which he also wrote.)

Copenhagen has a wonderful amusement park called “Tivoli” and this delightful park reportedly was what inspired Walt Disney to build Disneyland! This park was built in 1843 when the promoter urged the King to give the people some amusement to keep their minds off politics. Right now it’s decorated for Halloween, and it’s full of pumpkins and orange lights. Yes, everyone here celebrates Halloween too and the shops are full of witches, black cats and pumpkins.

Today we are going to visit Rosenborg Slot (Castle) where the Kings of Denmark once lived and where the Royal Jewels are kept. This is our final day in Denmark and then we will be flying home to Connecticut. I have enjoyed my holiday very much and hope you’ve enjoyed my pictures.
Farvel (Goodbye),
Flat Stanley Whitman

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