Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thank You, Alma Bailey Taylor King

Alma Bailey Taylor King. That’s a long name. When she died last year at the age of 94, she left a long legacy.

Mrs. King was a Farmington resident and retired teacher who had outlived both of her husbands and two sons. Having no one to leave her money to, she bequeathed $1.6 million to the Farmington school district and to the Farmington Village Green and Library Association, a nonprofit corporation that owns and manages the Farmington and Barney Libraries, Stanley-Whitman House museum, Memento Mori Cemetery and the Village Green.

It’s important to note that the gift was not donated directly to the FVGLA or the school district. It will be kept in two separate trusts and administered according to the terms in her will—for the FVGLA through a board of trustees; for the school district, possibly another board—who will make recommendations to the trustees.

As a result, this money is not directly available to the FVGLA or its endowment fund, from which Stanley-Whitman House, the libraries, and several other entities receive direct support.

If you are considering including a bequest in your will to a charitable organization, such as the FVGLA—designating a percentage or amount that directly benefits that entity is a way of showing your true love for that unique organization, giving back to your community, and sets an example for others.

Please use the bequest wording below for Stanley-Whitman House, or change it to reflect the Farmington or Barney Libraries, the cemetery or Village green according to your desires:

"I give, devise and bequeath to Stanley-Whitman House, a part of the Farmington Village Green and Library Association, Farmington, Connecticut, USA, a nonprofit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, ____percent (%) of my residuary estate, OR the sum of $__________, OR all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, to be used for its general objectives and purposes."

Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Trustees of the FVGLA

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