Monday, June 7, 2010

Experiencing Oregon with Alex A.!

Thank you for sending me Flat Stanley-Whitman. I had so much fun taking him around. I first started at the Oregon Vortex. It is a mystical place that makes everything appear different than it really is.

Next we headed to the coast. One side of Oregon is met by the Pacific Ocean. The water is cold and the beach has big rocks to climb on. We stayed the night and made a big fire by the beach. I found this cool starfish during low tide in the morning.  I then drove down to California to the Redwood Forest. We saw trees that were over 300 feet tall and 1000 years old.

The places I went are all close to the town I live in called Medford, Oregon. I really like it here. It is pretty nice weather most of the year. It does not rain too
much. We go on lots of hikes. This weekend I am going to a cool place called Crater Lake.

Thanks again for the letter. I hope you are all doing well. I miss you
  Alex A.- former Noah Wallace School student

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